Enjoy your time with the Arcade1up Marvel Super Heroes game. It’s great if you have small children that don’t have an account, since your saves will sync across all accounts.
We’ve gone a long time without ever getting to see an actual arcade machine at home.

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Sure, we’ve seen various kinds of remakes and console compilations over the years, yet there’s always been something missing.
I think what I miss the most is having that cabinet to lean on while waiting for the next game to start up.
Arcade 1up has recreated a number of cabinets in a bid to bring back those memories: Centipede, Asteroids, Galaga and – now – Captain America.
That way everybody can play. I would recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of Marvel or just someone who likes to play games casually.
The Arcade1up Marvel Super Heroes game works great and many of the features such as local multiplayer still work on it.
Captain America, Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Thanos offer some of the most fun gaming action in this single arcade release.
If you’re at all like us, when you were a kid you thought that arcades were pretty much the coolest places on Earth.
We love the sights and sounds of them, from the blinking lights and chimes to the happy shouts of our four-year-old selves, whooping it up with pocketfuls of quarters.
It’s a part of our childhood we never want to forget but don’t often get a chance to experience firsthand.
The Marvel Super Heroes upright arcade machine features a beautifully designed cabinet that closely emulates the original 1970s coin-operated game.
With an authentic, fully playable joystick and action buttons, you can relive those memories again and again.
Play all the classic hits like Spider-Man and The Avengers!
The Marvel Super Heroes edition has three distinct games on one cabinet, each with a different style and feel.
Playing Ms. Pac-Man was like a transport back to my childhood, whereas Captain America and the Avengers left me less impressed.
Marvel and Arcade 1up are collaborating to bring you a lineup of classic arcade Marvel games in the form of an Arcade1Up.
On launch, you’ll be able to pick up an arcade gaming cabinet featuring three classic Marvel titles: X-Men, The Punisher and Captain America & The Avengers.
In a year marquis by titles like Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat XL, Street Fighter 5, and Injustice 2, it can be easy to simply pass by Arcadeshock 1UP Marvel Super Heroes in passing.
Downplay as I might though – this game is something special.
I would like to end this review by saying that this machine is amazing on many levels.
Not only is it a dope looking, functioning arcade system, but the fact that it plays home console, PC and arcade games is insane.
Read More: Arcade 1Up Atari Legacy Edition review